Sunday, March 22, 2009

Gloria Coleman - Sweet Missy

The first album in many many years from organist Gloria Coleman -- the Hammond player best known for her famous 60s date on Impulse Records, still sounding pretty darn great here all these many years later! A good portion of the record features Gloria's husband, George Coleman joining in on tenor sax -- creating a sound that's a bit like the Shirley Scott/Stanley Turrentine groove of many years back -- but other numbers have Coleman on the Hammond, with guitar from either Calvin Keys or Eric Johnson, and drums from either George Coleman Jr or Deszon Claiborne. Lonnie Smith guests on piano on one track -- and the whole thing's got an easygoing soul jazz groove that's totally great! (Dusty Groove)


List of tunes in comment section


beequeen said...

Tracks: @ 256 kbps

1. Do It Again (6:35)
2. Too Close For Comfort (6:39)
3. Martin's Rhumba (4:20)
4. Sweet Missy (6:16)
5. I Just Found Out About Love (5:29)
6. Confirmation (5:41)
7. Put'em In a Box, Tie'em With a Ribbon (5:07)
8. Blues Everywhere (3:55)
9. When Did You Leave Heaven (5:35)
10. Impressions (6:26)
11. Confirmation (alt take) (6:12)

flageolette said...

Wow!thanks Bee,

Bill said...

My second Gloria Coleman! Thanks!

beequeen said...

Do enjoy !

Anonymous said...

What a nice surprise! I really didn't expect that albums by Gloria Colman would pop up. Many thanks!

About the album: it's great too se that she is still tickling those ivorie keys and also has developed quite a lot as an organ player since those early days.

My favourite songs are
Do It Again, Blues Everywhere and the unusual way of performing Impressions.

There are a few things that I believe make this record stand out regarding way of production.
The sound quality is really great! By that I mean, that Colemans bass lines are clearly audible, and not buried too deep in the mix, as often is the case. The amount of reverb is just right, and not too much which also unfortunately is quite common.
I also like that they have let the 'dirty' B-3 sound out! That lovely tubed overdrive sound, from a battered B-3/Leslie.

Thanks again!

/Jazz Organ Fan

darrellm said...

I'm totally new at Gloria Coleman's music. What a nice surprise. I like how you comment about the album - I usually just download music that you comment on unless I know the musician, but seeing the list of musicians on this record made me want to listen more. Thanks for this gem.

Mike Dunhill said...

Gloria Coleman is one of those underestimated/forgotten heroes.
Her albums 'Gloria Coleman Sings and Swings The Organ' and 'Soul Sisters' (with Grant Green) are true gems.
Please note that the first album is actually available through I-Tunes !!

I like this recent album, but it does no longer has that edgy feel, that 'on top of things' touch - Not strange considered the age of Gloria.

Nevertheless a nice album and great to see many people start to discover this wonderful grooving Lady !!

My favourite tune is still Fungii Mama