Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jake Langley - Doug's Garage (1999)

Jake's Debut CD with Organist Doug Riley and Drummer John Fraboni.


Tracklist in comment section.


beequeen said...

Tracks: @ 320 kbps

1. The End Of A Love Affair (5:57)
2. Adam's Apple (7:48)
3. Blue Bash (6:19)
4. Save Your Love For Me (8:07)
5. Invitation (8:54)
6. Ignant Oil (7:39)
7. The Jody Grind (5:23)

Sergio said...

Another excellet share. Thank you my friend.
Do you have any of Doug Riley's solo albums?... the guy died a few months ago, he was a highy respected musician in Canada, and I'm really looking for his stuff...
Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Another great jazz organ record! And in a nice close-up trio format :-)

What I would say is the No 1 feature of this record is that it is tightly knitted from start to finish. Every song fits in, and it is a controlled high level all the way both regarding the playing but also the production.

Langley does play tasty jazz guitar throughout and Doug Riley is really good at the organ. Riley has no problem walking even the complicated uptempo left hand bassline himself in 'The End Of A Love Affair' while improvising a great right hand solo! He has, by the way, an interesting way of fading out in the next bar when he is trading fours with the drummer.

Thanks for sharing and keeping this great blog!

/Jazz Organ Fan

beequeen said...

You're welcome ! frankly I was not that familiar with Doug Riley (which is too bad ) though now am realized that I must've heard him in some of Bob Seger's albums.

marc said...

Link dead please reup thanks